Types of Addiction Treatment Programs:

These programs vary according to the stage the patient is going through and their health condition, determined by a thorough medical assessment. The selection includes several programs, including:

1. Withdrawal Symptom Management Program without Pain:

This is the first program implemented in the addiction treatment process. This program includes the careful use of medications based on a comprehensive medical examination of the patient. The program aims to alleviate drug withdrawal symptoms smoothly and painlessly. This program is implemented under careful medical supervision and continuous care throughout the treatment period. It is accompanied by a specially designed nutritional program to enhance immunity and strengthen the patient’s physical condition during this stage.

2. Psychological Therapy Program:

This program targets the treatment of psychological disorders that may be behind substance abuse, such as depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, and tension. This program is designed to ensure that these disorders are not repeated and to avoid potential relapses.

Psychological therapy sessions include the use of specialized techniques and methods to address and analyze the underlying causes of substance abuse. The program aims to improve the patient’s mental health and provide necessary tools to effectively cope with psychological challenges. This program is supervised by a team of experts and specialists in psychological therapy to ensure comprehensive and effective care.

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program:

This program is one of the main programs in addiction treatment, known as talk therapy. This program aims to achieve a comprehensive transformation in the patient’s behaviors and thoughts, addressing the actual responses that led to substance abuse. The program seeks to replace those behaviors with positive ones, change the patient’s view of themselves and life, and restore self-confidence. The patient is taught how to control their reactions and appreciate their feelings, resist the idea of substance abuse, overcome cravings, and therapy sessions typically last between 10 to 20 sessions, with each session lasting about 30-60 minutes.

4. Dual Diagnosis Program:

This program is a specialized unit in the field of psychological treatment, addressing mental illnesses and disorders that may accompany substance abuse. The effect of drugs on the neurochemical balance of the brain causes psychological changes, including depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. This program treats these symptoms and disorders through psychotherapy sessions and the use of special medication programs. It is implemented using different techniques than those used in other psychological treatments. This program is managed under careful medical supervision and continuous care to ensure the best results.

5. Social Rehabilitation and Relapse Prevention Program:

This program is a vital step in the treatment path, playing a major role in achieving full recovery. This program, which comes after the detoxification period and psychological therapy, follows a comprehensive approach that includes:

Social Rehabilitation: Aims to socially rehabilitate the patient and successfully integrate them into public life.

Drug-Free Living Training: Trains the patient on how to deal with difficult situations without resorting to substance use and how to handle pressure calmly.

Avoidance of Triggering Factors: Helps the patient avoid places and friends who may trigger a relapse.

Building Healthy Relationships: Encourages the establishment of positive relationships with people who provide support and encouragement to help stay on the path to recovery.

Spiritual Enhancement: Works on enhancing the patient’s religious motivation to provide hope, strength, and motivation to overcome drug effects.

This program includes psychological therapy sessions and meetings with other patients to provide support and share experiences, aiming to enhance the individual’s social and psychological adaptation during this important stage of treatment.

6. Post-Treatment Follow-up Program:

It aims to continue caring for the patient and providing support even after their discharge from the hospital. This program includes regular visits to the treating physician and regular meetings that bring the patient together with others who share the same challenges. It allows the patient to exchange experiences with a supportive therapeutic community, providing them with the necessary support and motivation to continue their treatment journey and avoid relapses.

7. Detoxification Program:

It is an advanced specialized program aimed at treating individuals who have experienced setbacks after previous treatment attempts. The program consists of two main stages: painless withdrawal from substances and psychological therapy and social rehabilitation. The program focuses on analyzing the reasons behind the setback and addressing them, working on promoting positive change and stability. The program includes teaching the patient how to avoid triggers that lead to relapse and how to deal with pressure and difficult situations in a healthy and sustainable manner. The program is implemented under the supervision of a specialized medical team to ensure the necessary support and effective guidance.

8. 12-Step Program:

The 12-step program is one of the prominent addiction treatment programs and constitutes a spiritual and social approach to rehabilitation. The program consists of 12 steps and principles that the individual applies as a guiding principle and lifestyle during the treatment period. The program aims to recognize the problem and change negative thinking into positive thoughts. The program includes the following principles:

Recognition of the problem.
Belief in a higher power.
Surrender to the will of God.
Seeking the right principles.
Acknowledgment of mistakes.
Readiness for change and correction of mistakes.
Asking God for help to repair the defects.
Making a list of the people harmed.
Compensating those people.
Examining our mistakes and correcting them.
Communicating with God and strengthening spirituality.
Conveying the message to other addicts and helping them apply those principles.

The program is implemented through meetings with other patients who share the same treatment journey. In each meeting, a specific principle is discussed and worked on its application, providing a supportive environment that encourages commitment to the program and the exchange of experiences and success.

9. Full Residence Program:

This program is considered one of the best options for treating addiction. It involves the patient residing completely in a therapeutic hospital, where they live in a supportive therapeutic community that encourages them to face challenges and undergo advanced therapeutic stages. The program includes the following:

1. Comprehensive assessment: A comprehensive medical examination is conducted to understand the patient’s health condition and determine the appropriate treatment program.

2. Detoxification and withdrawal treatment: A medication program is implemented under careful medical supervision to rid the body of toxins and alleviate withdrawal symptoms comfortably.

3. Psychological therapy: Targets changing behaviors and thoughts associated with addiction and treating accompanying psychological disorders.

4. Social rehabilitation: Includes training the patient to reintegrate into normal life to avoid relapses.

5. Post-treatment follow-up: Continuous care is provided to ensure the patient’s adherence to the treatment plan and prevent relapse.

The Full Residence Program has shown great effectiveness in treating addiction due to continuous medical care and a supportive environment. It also includes luxurious hotel services and specialized dietary systems to improve the patient’s immunity. The treatment period usually lasts from 3 to 6 months, with a low relapse rate thanks to this comprehensive approach and effective medical support.

10. Half Residence Program:

The Half Residence Program provides treatment for the patient during specified periods of the day without the need for permanent residency in the hospital. The program includes detox sessions followed by psychological therapy and behavioral rehabilitation sessions, in addition to scheduled meetings. Patients are allowed to leave the hospital after sessions, enabling them to return home and resume their daily lives. This type of program enables patients to continue their routine lives without significant interruption and is a suitable option for individuals with a short history of substance use and no severe side effects.

11. 28-Day Treatment Program:

The 28-day treatment program is an intensive therapeutic program that lasts for 28 days, including multiple stages of addiction treatment. The program includes detoxification and withdrawal symptom management without pain, followed by psychological therapy to change behaviors and thoughts, and then focuses on social rehabilitation to prevent relapse. During this program, the patient stays fully in the hospital, surrounded by a therapeutic community that provides support and encouragement to help them continue their treatment. This program is characterized by a short treatment period, allowing the patient to return to their daily life quickly. However, it should be noted that this program may not be suitable for all addiction cases, especially long-term addiction cases, as the relatively short treatment duration may not be sufficient to achieve comprehensive change for the patient and rehabilitate them to return to normal life, which may expose them to the risk of relapse.

12. Naltrexone Treatment Program:

The Naltrexone Treatment Program is based on the use of injections, tablets, or capsules implanted under the skin, where their effect remains active for a period ranging from 2 to 6 months or even 8 to 12 months. They are taken daily or on a monthly basis, and the goal of this treatment program is to prevent the effects of drugs on the body by blocking opioid receptors in the brain, reducing the desire for use.

Although the program primarily aims to suppress the desire for drug use and overcome addiction-driving thoughts, side effects have emerged that may make it an unfavorable option for doctors. The patient is at risk of taking overdose doses, which may lead to death, especially since there is a possibility of increasing the dose to achieve a sense of euphoria without any therapeutic benefit, increasing the risk of this type of treatment.

13. Family Rehabilitation Program:

This program targets the treatment of family members who have been negatively affected by the presence of a addicted family member, integrating them effectively into the treatment plan to become primary supporters who encourage the addict and contribute to pushing them towards the path of recovery.

The program revolves around enhancing effective communication and improving relationships between family members, focusing on resolving family problems and conflicts that may be one of the main motives for drug use. The program also includes training family members on how to deal with the addict after treatment and discharge from the hospital, in addition to enhancing their ability to protect them from potential relapses.


How does the addiction treatment program help you get rid of it permanently without relapse?

The addiction treatment program forms the foundation of the journey to permanently eliminate the harmful effects of drugs, and it includes several effective stages that contribute to ensuring comprehensive recovery and avoiding relapses. It includes:

1. Gentle withdrawal management:
In this stage, the patient stops using drugs, and detoxification is managed effectively and painlessly. This is done through a medication program under careful medical supervision, helping the patient overcome this critical stage in a well-thought-out manner.

2. Deep psychological transformation:
The patient is psychologically rehabilitated, where there is a change in their thoughts and behaviors. They receive psychological therapy to rebuild self-confidence and enhance mental stability, which promotes readiness for change and avoids returning to drug use.

3. Strong social rehabilitation:
The patient is socially rehabilitated and reintegrated into the community. They are trained to deal with life without drug use and adapt to life pressures in a healthy way, enhancing the ability for positive interaction and avoiding resorting to drug use.

These three steps are part of a comprehensive strategy aimed at rehabilitating the patient psychologically and socially, enhancing the chances of achieving permanent recovery and reducing the chances of relapse.


Can the addiction treatment program be applied at home?

Applying the addiction treatment program at home is impractical, as the program requires careful medical supervision and a surrounding environment that promotes recovery. The home lacks continuous medical supervision and a drug-free environment, putting the patient at health risk and increasing the likelihood of exposure to negative stimuli.

If you are facing addiction problems, turning to Valia clinics is the optimal choice, where you can benefit from specialized medical supervision and enjoy an environment tailored to recovery. Contact us now for the necessary assistance.

“For more details, contact us.”

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