Facing fear and anxiety is a challenge that many individuals encounter, as they are greatly affected by these negative emotions that overwhelm them as a result of their interaction with the events surrounding their lives. The tense and anxious individual suffers from the impact of this harmful psychological problem, as it makes him susceptible to continuous feelings of anxiety and tension, which make his life difficult.

These individuals exhibit signs and symptoms that indicate the continued impact of anxiety in their lives, as they suffer from negative thinking that fills their minds with doubts and tension. This negative impact is also reflected in their behaviors and decisions, leading to the complexity of daily life and making unthoughtful decisions.

To overcome this condition, it is necessary for the person to begin searching for effective strategies to treat anxiety and fear. This can be achieved through seeking psychological therapy, where the individual is directed to explore the roots of his psychological problems and develop adaptive strategies to overcome these difficulties.

In addition, individuals can search for ways to control stress and anxiety through practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, which help calm the mind and improve psychological well-being.


Causes of fear and anxiety:

Feelings of fear and anxiety creep into individuals’ minds as a result of the influence of several aspects of their lives, reflecting those negative thoughts that surround them and affect their psychological well-being. This feeling causes continuous discomfort, making the individual live in a state of constant tension and psychological distress.


Feelings of anxiety and fear arise as a result of the individual facing a variety of circumstances and causes, among these reasons:

1. Genetics: Genes associated with anxiety and fear can be transmitted through generations, and when one family member is affected by this psychological condition, other individuals in the family can be associated with those genes and suffer from feelings of anxiety.

2. Childhood memories: Difficult experiences during childhood can leave deep-seated effects, making the individual more susceptible to anxiety and fear later on.

3. Daily pressures: The impact of life problems and recurring pressures can increase the severity of feelings of anxiety and tension.

4. Family problems: Conflicts and problems within the family can contribute to increased feelings of fear and anxiety.

5. Psychological traumas: Experiencing strong traumas can evoke feelings of fear and anxiety.

6. Overthinking: Overthinking about details and the future can enhance continuous anxiety.


Symptoms of fear and anxiety

When seeking to treat feelings of fear and anxiety, the doctor first analyzes the symptoms that the patient is experiencing. This allows the doctor to better understand the condition and take the necessary steps for treatment. Among these main signs and symptoms that the doctor focuses on:

Loss of ability to concentrate.
Forgetfulness and memory disturbances.
Frequent unexplained headaches.
Avoidance of social events.
Suffering from insomnia and sleep disturbances.
Nervousness and inability to regulate emotions.
Severe fear without a clear reason.
Suffering from health problems such as colic, diarrhea, muscle pain, and difficulty breathing.
Complaining of chest pain and rapid heartbeat.
Feeling nausea, dizziness, and the urge to vomit when facing a disturbing situation.
Fatigue and continuous exhaustion.
Feeling that death is approaching and life is ending.
Treatment of fear and anxiety

The individual faces multiple challenges in dealing with different forms of fear. He may find himself in need of treatment to overcome the fear of interacting with others, where he avoids social interaction and tends toward isolation. In addition, he may suffer from continuous fear of death, which leads to obsessive-compulsive disorder linking him to the fear of infection and diseases.


Furthermore, he may need treatment to overcome the fear of conflicts, as he tends to withdraw from difficult situations and conversations to avoid confrontations or clashes. The mental health professional shows his experience in dealing with these cases by following the following methods and techniques in treatment:

1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This type of therapy is a vital step in overcoming problems of anxiety and tension. The therapist aims to change negative behaviors and replace them with positive ones that contribute to improving the patient’s condition.

2. Psychotherapy sessions: These sessions provide an opportunity for the patient to talk and express his problems and fears freely. These sessions help identify the causes of anxiety and work on resolving them.

3. Confrontation: The treatment includes the use of confrontation techniques, where the patient is encouraged to confront sources of fear directly. This helps in changing his perceptions of possible situations.

4. Medications: In cases of severe anxiety, the doctor may suggest the use of medications such as anti-anxiety and antidepressants, alongside psychological therapy to achieve rapid improvement in the patient’s psychological condition.

5. Social support: The support of family and friends plays an important role in the recovery process, as it provides the patient with the necessary emotional support to overcome his fears.

6. Healthy nutrition: Healthy eating is an important part of psychological therapy, where the patient is encouraged to consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals that help improve psychological well-being.

7. Compliance with the doctor’s instructions: The patient needs to comply with the doctor’s instructions and follow the treatment plan regularly, which contributes to achieving sustainable progress towards improving psychological health.


Continuous communication: Continuous communication with the medical team and the social environment is essential to support the patient and motivate him to overcome his problems and improve his quality of life.

In ” Valia” clinics, we offer specialized sessions for the treatment of fear and anxiety. Valia clinics are distinguished by a team of psychiatric doctors and specialists in the field of psychotherapy, who work to provide comprehensive and effective care for individuals suffering from anxiety and fear problems.

“For more details, please contact us.”

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