Dissolving the filler

Filler is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that aims to treat signs of aging, skin sagging, and wrinkles by filling the gaps between skin cells, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and improving skin tightness and facial fullness. The cosmetic surgeon injects the filler using special fine needles, and it is used in several areas such as facial fillers, lip fillers, as well as in the cheek, jawline, eye bags, and other areas.

The types of fillers vary, and among the most important are hyaluronic acid and collagen. There are many brands of fillers, such as Juvederm, Style Age, Perfecta, and Restylane.


What is the filler melting process?

Many people rely on removing the filler after it fails to treat the underlying problem or after distorting the face shape. In some cases, filler can spread undesirably, resulting in not achieving the desired results of filling the gaps between cells.

The concept of melting the filler in the face is done using hyaluronidase injections, a process in which the filler is removed under the eye or in the lip area. This procedure aims to treat filler clumps in the face and is done after consulting a dermatologist.


What is hyaluronidase injection?

Hyaluronidase injection is a procedure that uses an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which is naturally produced in the body. This enzyme is recently used in melting the filler, as it helps to break down hyaluronic acid molecules. Hyaluronidase effectively degrades the filler, making it easily removable without the need for surgical or skin incision.

This procedure is considered an effective way to correct or modify the results of filler injections, where hyaluronidase is used to break up unwanted filler clumps or to achieve consistency in facial shape.


Reasons for melting the filler:

Dissolving the filler is a process typically associated with cosmetic procedures such as dermal fillers. These fillers are substances injected into the skin to enhance facial features or to smooth wrinkles. The most common fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a substance that naturally occurs in the skin.

There are many reasons that necessitate melting the filler. Among the most important of these reasons are the following:

Injecting the filler with a larger quantity than needed.

Filling the filler under the skin.

Inconsistent distribution of the filler in the injection area.

The filler’s material spreads throughout the face and not just the injection site.

Injecting the filler in the wrong place.

Damage to blood vessels requiring immediate intervention.

An allergic reaction to the injection material, so it is always necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to the filler material to avoid the need to melt it.

Infection in the injection area leading to serious complications.

The patient’s failure to accept his appearance after the filler injection.


The number of sessions needed to melt the filler:

The number of sessions needed to melt the filler using hyaluronidase injections depends on how the filler responds to the enzyme and on the doctor’s follow-up of the results. Generally, melting the filler is done in one session, but some filler materials may require additional sessions.

It is usually preferred to perform the filler melting procedure in several sessions, where doctors advise dividing the injection process into consecutive sessions instead of injecting a large amount in one session. This allows the doctor to monitor the effects of hyaluronidase and adjust the dose and concentration for optimal results without any complications.

In general, the process may take from one session to three sessions, and this approach is safer and helps to achieve the perfect balance of results.


Preparation required for filler melting:

The patient’s preparation for this procedure includes a set of procedures that include:

Informing the doctor of personal medical history and use of any medications or exposure to bacterial or viral diseases.

Stopping the use of analgesics and medications that lead to blood thinning to avoid bleeding.

Avoiding exposure to the sun, heat, sauna, and warm water for a period after the procedure.

Conducting a sensitivity test to hyaluronidase enzyme to avoid complications and severe swelling.

Not performing any other cosmetic injections, such as botox injections.

Avoiding the use of cosmetics and skin care products in the area after the procedure.


Steps of the filler melting process:

– The beginning of the process involves sterilizing the face well by a dermatologist.

– The targeted area is anesthetized using local anesthesia, and a few minutes are left to wait.

– The cosmetic doctor determines the appropriate concentration of hyaluronidase enzyme based on the amount of filler and its location in the targeted area.

– The filler melting material is injected into the targeted area using a fine needle, regardless of the injection site.

– The injection is done gradually and slowly to avoid any complications.

– The doctor massages the area to distribute the enzyme evenly and ensure the filler is melted.

– A cream is added to care for the area after the procedure.

– The procedure takes only about 5 minutes.

– Finally, an appointment is scheduled for the next meeting to evaluate the results and determine the patient’s need for additional injections or not.


Instructions after melting filler clots:

Instructions after melting filler clots

After the procedure of melting filler clots using hyaluronidase injections, the patient must follow the instructions. The main instructions include:

– Avoiding taking aspirin or ibuprofen to avoid bleeding.

– Not applying cosmetics and skin care products to the affected area.

– Avoiding strenuous activity and not exercising to maintain the results of the procedure.

– Avoiding taking vitamins and dietary supplements without consulting a doctor.

– If necessary to take pain relievers, the doctor should be consulted first.

– Stopping smoking, as it can affect the results of the filler melting procedure, especially on the lips.


When can filler be re-injected after melting the previous filler?

It is preferable for the patient to wait for 14 days after the filler melting procedure using hyaluronidase before re-injecting the filler. This period aims to ensure the success of the filler melting procedure and the complete disappearance of the hyaluronidase material from the body. If the filler is re-injected in a period less than that, the enzyme may also work to melt the new filler, which may not achieve the desired results.

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